As we announced three months ago, we are holding several events until the end of the year, and this is the second one.
It happens to be the 48th birthday of Sherif Guirguis.
This event will be different than the last, in that it will be a treasure hunt of sorts.
All you need to do is follow the breadcrumbs to five quizzes and one survey. After completing each, you will be given a secret word or sentence.
You will have to arrange those secret words to form a coherent sentence, then send it to Sherif Guirguis’ email.
As events go, we tried to make this one as interactive as possible, hence the treasure hunt.
Once all the answers are in, and the scores of the quizzes are calculated, four winners with the right sentence, and the highest scores will receive a signed hardback copy (Collector item since there are only 10 in existence) of The Green Boy.
Some of the quizzes will be very easy for our old fans, yet others will require some googling, and stimulation of the gray matter.
We hope that you will enjoy the hunt, and may the best person win!
To start the treasure hunt, you have first to read the newsletter sent today. Then visit this page, The Chronicles of Agartha FB page HERE, and Sherif Guirguis FB profile HERE.
This page gives you two links to start with, the rest you will find on the FB page and profile.
These are the two links: Survey, and Trivia 1
And as you seek the answers, you can check these stories to give you some relief from the treasure hunt: The templars bleak friendship, and Rowida, in the land of the dead.