Vlad was not very happy with his last trade, in fact, he was regretting it with all his heart.
Fifty crates of beets seemed like a good enough bargain for just one crate of copper, but that was three weeks ago, now that three villages on his trade route refused the beets with passion, he started to think that he was tricked.
His route had almost a hundred small villages that were not under the domain of any of the big nations’ cities, that was in Vlad’s way of thinking, a brilliant venture in the long term.
These cities always lacked something that another faraway village had in plenty, and he used this knowledge to circle between them at least once every three months, then visiting one of the big cities with the best that the villages could offer.
But of course, it was not perfect, the cities dealt with the coin of the land, either the purple Drake, or the orange Blossom were the only accepted coinage in those cities, unlike the villages.
The villages had no use for the coin of the big cities, most of them were too far away, or simply wouldn’t accept to trade with the mixed color villages, so, he had to trade goods for goods in the villages.
Twenty years ago, a business like Vlad’s couldn’t even have existed, as before the wars there was nothing like those villages in existence.
In fact, all the villages of the pre-war era owed alliance to one of the big cities, and there were thousands of them all over the land.
After the war, the refugees of the devastated villages were many, but most were denied residence in any of the cities that they once paid homage to.
Eventually, new villages had risen, made up of those refugees, and as the status of affairs was, the villages grew to have mixed color residents in them, some even allowed marriage between colors, a sacrilege as seen by most Agarthans.
Vlad sighed, he will have to trade the beets in the next village, they were already starting to smell. He might be able to sell them off as animal feed, or even fertilizer primer, he will manage to get rid of them, he always managed situations like this one in the past ten years since he became a trader.
Vlad smiled, and whipped his oxen to go a bit faster, he had fifty crates of beets to unload in the next village.
Characters From Agartha