Hollow Earth, Agartha is not just fantasy. I believe most of you think that we spun the stories of The Chronicles of Agartha out of thin air, you would be right to assume that, mostly.
You see, Agartha is not just the place our stories happen, for some people, it is so much more than fiction.
But why should I impose on you my own vision? Google “Hollow Earth, or “Inner Earth”, or “Agartha”. I bet that our website will not come on top of the search. 😀
Here are 10 facts about Hollow Earth, Agartha:
1- Inner Earth is real:
At least to some people, it is. It is part of the religion of Tibetan Buddhists, who believe that their ancestors ascended from a subterranean place to the surface and that this place had a capital city. They called that city Shambala (We will use that city in a future book, be sure to follow our blog to learn more about it)
2- Inner Earth is mentioned in almost every ancient mythology:
Even though it is not exactly the forests we depict in our books, there was mention of an Inner Earth in Greek mythology, and they believed that it was a cave system that led to the underworld. The ancient Egyptians believed that beneath the Earth’s crust was the realm of the dead. Nordic mythology believed that Svartálfaheim existed beneath our Earth.
In Celtic mythology, they thought that there was a cave system that led to the Earth’s core and that mythical creatures came from these caves. Even the Thracian and Dacian mythology (Ancient Romanians) believed that their god Zalmoxis came from under the Earth (You can read about our interpretation of Zalmoxis’ legend HERE)
3- It is the core of so many conspiracy theories:
From aliens to Nazis, to reptilians, Hollow Earth has at some point housed them in some conspiracy theory or another. Some go so far that they claim that the inhabitants of Hollow Earth have affected every aspect of our history (We play with this idea in our historical fantasy collection The Eternal Agarthans)
4- It had been the inspiration for a lot of fantastic works of fiction:
Aside from the amazing stories of mythology, Hollow Earth was in the center of many classic fantasy books, Journey to the Center of The Earth by Jules Vernes, At The Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burrough, The Hollow Earth by Rudy Rucker, and the list goes on (Of course, our main books are also in this list: The Green Boy, Red’s Soul, and Through The Storm)
5- It is a part of the Native American culture:
Not unlike the Tibetan Buddhists, the Mandan People, and the Iroquois believe that their ancestors were born in Inner Earth (Hollow Earth) and they then ascended to the surface.
6- Shakespeare mentioned it:
In Midsummer’s Night Dream, Hermia mentions that the Earth and Moon may creep into the center (Believed to be the center of the Earth).
7- It appeared in several movies:
From 1953 to 2021, there had been a lot of movies playing with the idea of visiting the center of the earth (Check IMDB for all of them, as they are too many to list in here)
8- There are so many scientific papers on Hollow Earth:
From the seventeenth century, starting with the famous Edmond Halley (of Haley comet) to recently, tens of theories and papers had been presented to prove the presence of Hollow Earth (Check this link for the number of papers done on this subject)
9- There are several accounts from people who stumbled on Hollow Earth:
The most famous of those is the account of Admiral Richard Byrd, who claimed to be the first person to fly over the North and South pole. According to believers, Byrd’s secret journal from 1947 included a report of flying into one of Hollow Earth, and the claims go as far as saying that he met an advanced race of humans there.
10- There have been recent attempts to find the entrance to Hollow Earth:
Rodney M. Cluff, a strong believer in Hollow Earth, who wrote a book on the subject, started a campaign to explore the North Pole in hopes of finding and proving the existence of Hollow Earth. But the campaign never left off, several calamities affected its members and sponsors and was put on hold indefinitely.
And these were some amazing facts about Hollow Earth, or to us, Agartha. But do we believe in the reality of any of this? Not really, we just found a fertile ground to grow our fantasy world. What better than Hollow Earth to build a fantasy upon?
Did you like this special post? If you did, then read these as well: Story of A Book, and Mara’s Interview.
Thanks for the information on Inner Earth or Hollow Earth. I didn’t know about most of them and three groups of ancestors including Native Americans believed they ascended from the Inner Earth.
Great books!
Great books!
if hollow earth exists, im thinking thats where santa lives and works
Very interesting, thanks for sharing!
Very interesting it gets you thinking.
I think the research is fascinating. I also think that Hades is in this place and that it is an actual residence for some right now. It’s nice to intertwine imagination with places that theologians and others presume exist. But wouldn’t it be funny if your fiction was not exactly all fiction…..
I think the research is fascinating. I also think that Hades is in this place and that it is an actual residence for some right now. It’s nice to intertwine imagination with places that theologians and others presume exist. But wouldn’t it be funny if your fiction was not exactly all fiction…..or fact?
I think that there is a hollow earth in my closet, but my cat, Blue, made short work of the tiny little creature that was trying to live there. 🙂
Definite must read for me